Friday, April 16, 2010

ACE 27

Just got back from the ACE 27 fashion show -- I'm about to turn in because I have to wake up early to finish Katrin's dress for her fitting tomorrow, but I wanted to post about it before I went to bed. After tonight I felt like I had come full circle, from producing my own fashion show with my friend Michelle in college (and soliciting clothes from other designers) to being asked by college students to lend clothes for their fashion show.

Here are a couple of photos from my iPhone:

In many ways, their show was more professional -- the A/V and lighting effects, set design, numerous sponsors, and gift bags for every member in the audience! Plus yummy snacks and beverages during the intermission. But maybe it's just nostalgia kicking in, I don't know, I'm inclined to say we had better models and MCs... :-) It's funny for me to watch amateur fashion shows after being involved in the industry for the past several years.

All in all, my friends and I had a great time. They gave us great seats in the front row and Lindy and Dave had me laughing the entire time as we provided each other with commentary on the show.

Thanks ACE 27!

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