I got there pretty early but there were still many people in line in front of me. Eventually I got to meet a couple of the buyers but they were clearly not interested in my pieces. I knew it would be tough to get my pieces into stores so I decided to set up my own website with a store. I taught myself web design (and now I make websites for other people) and set up an online boutique.
Meanwhile, I had been compiling a short list of blogs that I thought would be interested in covering the line when I launched my site, and I e-mailed them. SusieBubble was one of the first people I talked to and as a champion of emerging designers, she quickly agreed to cover the line. I also got in touch with DailyCandy, who said they'd do a story in their Everywhere edition.
I launched the site in late June and SusieBubble covered it. I started getting a few inquiries from stylists and editors. Then DailyCandy covered it. That day, July 10, 2007, I got over 40,000 hits and many many orders. The hits and orders continued at a steady pace for about a month before slowing down. Boutique and department store buyers started contacting me, along with some other smaller blogs and magazines. I had appointments with Neiman Marcus and buyers from Japan. I thought that I had made it and decided to quit my job to focus on my line full-time.
I had worked for other fashion companies but I had never really been directly involved with the sales/PR side of things, so I was in for some surprises. I gradually learned that buyers like to vet the collection for a couple of seasons before making a buy. I also learned that when you're starting out, buyers will find every which reason for passing over your collection, even if there are customers out there who would be interested in buying the merchandise. I did find a few buyers who picked up the small collection of tees, and I set forward on expanding the collection for Spring 2008, which was showing in September.
Just wanted you to know that I made a post about you on my two blogs... the complete post is here..
Hello, my name is Danny O. and I have a fashion blog. My blog is in spanish, so most of my readers are from spain.
I would like to make a post about you, and show your work to my readers.
If you don't have any problem, I would like to send you a couple of questions through email.
XXX :)
Hi Janet, I just found your blog via a post you did a while back about your internship at Dior. Your work and candid writing are quite inspiring, and I was marveling at how I could have missed it before, until I remembered reading about Graey shirts in an article at one point. In any case, I admire your determination and openness, both as a designer and blogger. I'd love to converse with you sometime (I was unsure about emailing graey@graeyny.com, from your website- do you check that personally?)- my email is kalonity@gmail.com. Best of luck with getting your work out there!
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